Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Monday 01/23/2017

Monday 01/23/2017
I will journal in every day sometime with some information and observances.....

Last night was quiet after everyone left, we all drifted off to bed slowly. And slept well.
We got up at about 8:30.  Breakfast was nice and full of discussion.  We dressed and took for the shoe store in Goshen.  Was a fun shopping trip; Molly got some cute blue shoes and some slippers for her upcoming trip to Minneapolis.  Mom got some Haflinger slippers.  

I'm not so sure Mom likes the slippers as well as first thought.  <shug> if she doesn't want them maybe Barbie or I can snatch them up.  

We stopped for lunch at the Indian Restaurant next door to the shoe store.  They had a special plate for new comers to Indian food and Mom loved it.  Even ate some Mago dessert.  

Molly left for Bloom at about 12:30.  Mom and I roamed the Meijer grocery for  few items. We got home about 2:30.  Had a nice chat and she showed me some old fotos of the Peters side of the family from the 40's and early 50's.  I plan to take them home and refresh them and reprint them on good photo stock.  Should be fun.

The Real Services people called to set up appointment, but we missed the call.  Calling they back is #1 on the agenda for tomorrow.  Also to plan to get appointment with the Hip doctor.  If you have any thoughts or concerns bout those 2 items, post here or call me. 

Later in the day: 

Mom mentioned that she wanted a Jitterbug smart phone.  I checked out the phone(s) and the service plans on the website: www.greatcall.com.
I found it interesting that there are several services packages available that include senior assistance and care.  

Phones are simple and have text, camera and photo sharing features.  Not terribly hard for tech-NO-Grandma.All the phones and phone services are available for review on www.greatcall.com.  Local vendors are WalMart and Sears.  
I am recommending a hands on examination of the phone and it's operations.
Mom expressed some resistance to the senior assistance packages. 

Mom had a 2 hour struggle with her failing capacities today- her leg gave out and she was so distracted with the pain that some other things got jumbled in her head.

First she was willing to share her thinking and then dropped into the old familiar mode of insensate demands sans any thought to the consequences of her demands. Lots of what I observe to be pent up fears caught in the cadge of her of loss of control of her life as well as the construct of denial she wraps any challenges in. 

Interesting today;  I saw Mom's Divine Trinity manifest.

Father - The shroud of worthlessness.
Son - The robe of being a tough person.
Holy Ghost - The translucent veil spun from the denial that change is occurring.

The shrine she has built, is building is a mighty working.
Oh, yeah - I met her true lover for the first time - The King of Paranoia holding his mighty spear of destiny.......

I am testing my dynamic process shift changes often

Off to bed,
Snatchercolli Love,

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