Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Tuesday 01/31

Sunday and Monday were very quiet low movement days. Sunday we watched the entire first season of Vikings.  Then, shame on me, I showed Mom how to find Amazon Video.  She spent all of Monday watching the first season of Outlander.  Yeah, ickipoo, but it made her happy.

I have started walking around the neighborhood because I just cannot sit on my butt so much of the time.

Monday, Mom pulled out her safe and produced all her papers; POA, Last will, NDR, insurance, investments, and a partially completed "When I Die" book.  There is also a folder on Funeral services but nothing has been purchased.  Some other financial stuff, but certainly not all of it.

Some documents need updates as far as addresses, car and title and a few other things.

There is also a duplicate of Chase Bank credit cards.  One account from AARP, another from Amazon.  I am going to call and see if they can be combined.

Sooooo, time for the family lawyer to review.  I called Bevie today and asked for a call.  Hope she can come over soon to advise if there is anything else that will be needed. Also need to make decision about  REAL Services....they have called again.

I called Dave Stewart @ BE to get advise on Bevies home office.  He had good advise and reported the success for the BE Home offices.   I'll share the info with Bevie.  That be the end of techno conversations.

Today Mom has haircut appointment @2:30.  The we will go to the grocery....AGAIN.  The food situation is difficult for me.  Mom's diet is horrible and she is totally stubborn about what to eat and how to prepare it.  I'll try again tonight with some stuff I think she will like.  HOPE.  At least I won't be digging around.  Mom is still resistant to my diet.

Doc appointment tomorrow.  I need info from everyone about what sort of questions should be posed to Dr. Mertz about Mom's condition, meds and expectations going forward.

Mom's hip is still pain free.  She is moving faster and standing up straighter.

Going over to Barbies tomorrow night to watch Vikings last two episodes for this season.  Need some time away from Mom.  Get stuff to make Tortolinni soup and maybe some good bread and cheese?

That be it for now.....

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